星期二, 10月 28, 2003

卡通人生 [Moved from RaymondChung.easyjournal.com]

今晚我終於睇完'棋魂'共75章動畫(當然, 這只是動畫部份). 這花了我無數的時間(其實只係一兩個星期O既夜晚).

我 喜歡這套動畫, 除了因為畫工好(後期的麻麻), 更因為它的故事及其中一些令人有所領悟的情節. 這套動畫主要圍繞一個下圍棋的少年如何追逐自己的目標. 在通向自己理想的道路中,光仔(主角)必須通過棋院的院生考試, 才能再向上爬(就像我們所經靂的大小考試, 考驗); 當中不少有實力的院生多年都不能通過考試(臨場發揮不理想). 他們那種'落幕'的心情, 實在令人惋惜(或感同身受). 但是經過時間的琢磨, 一小部份人還是能收拾心情(情緒), 再次站起來. 其中的關鍵其實是'情緒'的控制; 這也是自我約束力的一種(Self-Control); 亦是我十分弱的一環~~~~.

卡通人生? 睇動畫很多時候的確令人沈迷, 但有時我們也可以睇到有趣, 有意思的人生; 從中得到啟示/警愓.

星期六, 10月 11, 2003

人體車"體" [Moved from RaymondChung.easyjournal.com]

前 幾天腦海裏忽然有個想法, 覺得人體與汽車有某些方面是相似的. 一輛汽車如果保養不好, 駕駛的人(我指車主)不懂得愛護自己的車, 車子很快便玩完. (將車子隨處泊放, 刮花了又不重新上漆) 這好比一毃人任意摧殘自己一樣. 年青的由其喜歡將自己的小宇宙提昇到極限, 要在年青時'鍛煉'自己, 測試自己的極限(吃喝玩樂無止境, 休養生息卻不懂).

車子損壞了怎辦?去車行修理一下, 換一換零件就以了. 這樣做, 輕微的損壞還可以補救; 嚴重的可能要報廢. 人亦一樣, 身體差了, 不嚴重的可以靠休息及運動補救, 否則可能要長期服藥甚至同這世界說拜拜.

雖然明白這道理, 但人總是會犯上以上的錯.(我偏偏就是這種人 :- <) 現在我的腦細胞不知死了多少呢?唉~~~~~~ 希望腦袋可以補救就好了.

星期四, 10月 09, 2003

How come I am so lazy!? [Moved from RaymondChung.easyjournal.com]

I don't wanna be a lazy snake, but I am so. What can I do? The only thing I can do is to write here, post my thoughts here and respond here.

Okay Okay, that's the same wordings I used in my previous 2 'GREAT WORK'.... that's enough, let's talk about something new, sth new about myself and what I am doing recently.

Like writing web journal, I've been talking about taking the Japanese Proficiency Test for a long time, but just found many excuses, 'the exam is coming and i just don't have enough time to prepare for it~~~'.... and excuses like that la...

But I finally enrolled myself in the coming exam, taking place on 7 DEC 2003. It's bit shame to say this. I didn't push myself to take the exam and it's miss Ko He san who is so determined to take Japanese Exam Level II(so brave in my opinion). I just take the chance to take the exam(so poor iam, still lazy to be PROactive)...

btw, i have put effort on studying, although the pace is not fast. (i hope i can finish revising all related materials by mid Nov and start doing exercises from the early Nov)

Okay, there's a bit more boiling in this entry as compared to the previous 2 Great Work