星期五, 6月 29, 2012

Solaris Performance/Monitoring

  • To check detail memory usage of a process
    •  pmap -x pid
  • To check rough memory usage of a process
    • prstat -p pid 0 1
    • 0 : interval
    • 1 : number of times
    • prstat -u username -s rss

星期三, 6月 13, 2012

vimdiff and folding

do - Get changes from other window into the current window.
dp - Put the changes from current window into the other window.
]c - Jump to the next change.
[c - Jump to the previous change.
:diffupdate :diffu -> recalculate the diff, useful when after making several changes vim's isn't showing minimal changes anymore.

zo -> open fold.
zc -> close fold.
zr -> reducing folding level.
zm -> one more folding level, please.
zR -> Reduce completely the folding, I said!.
zM -> fold Most!.
:set noscrollbind -> temporarily disable simultaneous scrolling on both buffers, reenable by :set scrollbind and scrolling.
