星期三, 12月 12, 2007
星期二, 12月 11, 2007
Risk-Adjusted Return
Adjusting Return Rate with Risk
When comparing returns from different investment vehicles, it's meaningless to purely compare the numbers of the return rates. For example,
[Investment A]
Return rate: 5%
Risk: σ = 2%
[Investment B]
Return rate: 5%
Risk: σ = 1%
Note: σ (Standard Deviation can be a measure of the volatility of the Return rate, i.e. the risk)
It's obvious that Investment B is a better choice - Given the same return rate, it experiences less risk.
When comparing returns from different investment vehicles, it's meaningless to purely compare the numbers of the return rates. For example,
[Investment A]
Return rate: 5%
Risk: σ = 2%
[Investment B]
Return rate: 5%
Risk: σ = 1%
Note: σ (Standard Deviation can be a measure of the volatility of the Return rate, i.e. the risk)
It's obvious that Investment B is a better choice - Given the same return rate, it experiences less risk.
星期二, 11月 20, 2007
Calculus - The study of rates of change.
Areas essential to Calculus: (from About.com - Calculus Readiness)
Areas essential to Calculus: (from About.com - Calculus Readiness)
- Real Numbers (Communtative Properties, Associative Properties, Distributive Properties, Density Properties, Identity Properties), Exponents ,and Radicals .
- Factoring.
- Distance Formula (know and apply) and Midpoint Formula (know and apply).
- Quadratic Equations
- Use and apply Trigonometric Formulas.
- A good grounding in Conics.
- Slope of a Line, Rise Over Run.
- Complex Numbers
- A Comfort Level with Matrices and Graph Theory.
- Know Components of a Vector and Polar Conversion Equations.
- An Understanding of Sequences, Series and Probability.
- 安貧樂道 - 安於現況,即使貧困,也能樂於信守正道,不作他想。
- 消遙自適
- 樂天知命 - 順應天意的變化,知其命數,樂其天然。語出《易經﹒繫辭》:“樂天知命,故不憂。” (死生有命,富貴在天) Ref: 【傳統文化】樂天知命
- 及時行樂
星期日, 11月 18, 2007
星期六, 11月 17, 2007
星期五, 11月 16, 2007
海里 -> 公里, 風級
海里 -> 公里
1 海里(International) = 1.852 公里 OR
1 nmi = 1.852 km (n = nautical)
(From HKO)
(From Wikipedia)
1 海里(International) = 1.852 公里 OR
1 nmi = 1.852 km (n = nautical)
(From HKO)
描述風力術語 | 蒲福氏風級 | 平均風速(海里/時) | 平均風速(米/秒) | 海面狀態 | 平均海浪高度(米) | 最高海浪高度(米) |
無風 | 0 | <1 | <0.5 | 海面平靜如鏡 | - | - |
輕微 | 1 | 1-3 | 0.5-1.5 | 波紋柔和,狀似魚鱗,浪頭不起白沫 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
輕微 | 2 | 4-6 | 2-3 | 小形微波,相隔仍短但己較顯著,波峰似玻璃而不破碎 | 0.2 | 0.3 |
和緩 | 3 | 7-10 | 3.5-5 | 微波較大,波峰開始破碎,白沫狀似玻璃,間中有白頭浪 | 0.6 | 1 |
和緩 | 4 | 11-16 | 5.5-8 | 小浪,形狀開始拖長,白頭浪較為頻密 | 1 | 1.5 |
清勁 | 5 | 17-21 | 8.5-11 | 中浪,形狀顯著拖長,白頭浪更多,間有浪花飛濺 | 2 | 2.5 |
強風 | 6 | 22-27 | 11.5-14 | 大浪開始出現,周圍都是較大的白頭浪。浪花較多 | 3 | 4 |
強風 | 7 | 28-33 | 14.5-17 | 海浪堆疊,碎浪產生之白沫隨風吹成條紋 | 4 | 5.5 |
烈風 | 8 | 34-40 | 17.5-20.5 | 將達高浪階段,波峰開始破碎,成為浪花,條紋更覺顯著 | 5.5 | 7.5 |
烈風 | 9 | 41-47 | 21-24 | 高浪,白沫隨風吹成濃厚條紋狀,波濤洶湧,浪花飛濺,影響能見度 | 7 | 10 |
暴風 | 10 | 48-55 | 24.5-28.5 | 非常高浪,出現拖長的倒懸浪峰;大片泡沫隨風吹成濃厚白色條紋,海面白茫茫一片,波濤互相衝擊,能見度受到影響 | 9 | 12.5 |
暴風 | 11 | 56-63 | 29-32.5 | 波濤澎湃,浪高足以遮掩中型船隻;長片白沫隨風擺佈,遍罩海面,能見度受到影響 | 11.5 | 16 |
颶風 | 12 | >=64 | >=33 | 海面空氣充滿浪花白沫,巨浪如江河倒瀉,遍海皆白,能見度大受影響 | >=14 | - |
(From Wikipedia)
蒲福氏風級 | 風速(每小時 海浬/公里) | 風的名稱 | 浪高(米) | 海情 | 陸上情況 |
0 | 小於 1 / 2 | 無風 Calm | 0 | 平靜如鏡 | 靜,煙直向上 |
1 | 1-3 / 2-6 | 輕微/微風/軟風 Light air | 0.1 | 無浪: 波紋柔和,,如鱗狀,波峰不起白沬。 | 煙能表示風向,風向標不轉動 |
2 | 4-6 / 7-12 | 輕微/微風/輕風 Light breeze | 0.2 | 小浪: 小波相隔仍短,但波浪顯著;波峰似玻璃,光滑而不破碎。 | 人面感覺有風,樹葉有微響,風向標轉動 |
3 | 7-10 / 13-19 | 和緩/溫和/微風 Gentle breeze | 0.6 | 小至中浪: 小波較大,波峰開始破碎,波逢間中有白頭浪。 | 樹葉及小樹枝搖動不息,旗展開 |
4 | 11-16 / 10-30 | 和緩/和風 Moderate breeze | 1 | 中浪: 小波漸高,形狀開始拖長,白頭浪頗頻密。 | 吹起地麵灰塵和紙張,小樹枝搖動。 |
5 | 17-21 / 31-40 | 清勁/清風 Fresh breeze | 2 | 中至大浪: 中浪,形狀明顯拖長,白頭浪更多,間中有浪花飛濺。 | 有葉的小樹,整棵搖擺;內陸水面有波紋。 |
6 | 22-27 / 41-51 | 強風 Strong breeze | 3 | 大浪: 大浪出現,四週都是白頭浪,浪花頗大。 | 大樹枝搖擺,持傘有困難,電線有呼呼聲。 |
7 | 28-33 / 52-62 | 強風/疾風 Near gale | 4 | 大浪至非常大浪: 海浪突湧堆疊,碎浪之白沬,隨風吹成條紋狀。 | 全樹搖動, 人迎風前行有困難。 |
8 | 34-40 / 63-75 | 烈風/大風 Gale | 5.5 | 非常大浪至巨浪: 接近高浪,浪峰碎成浪花,白沬被風吹成明顯條紋狀。 | 小樹枝折斷,人向前行阻力甚大。 |
9 | 41-47 / 76-87 | 烈風 Strong gale | 7 | 巨浪: 高浪, 泡沫濃密;浪峰捲曲倒懸,頗多白沬。 | 煙囪頂部移動,木屋受損。 |
10 | 48-55 / 88-103 | 暴風/狂風 Storm | 9 | 非常巨浪: 非常高浪。海面變成白茫茫,波濤衝擊,能見度減低。 | 大樹連根拔起,建築物損毀。 |
11 | 56-63 / 104-117 | 暴風 Violent storm | 11.5 | 非常巨浪至極巨浪: 波濤澎湃, 浪高可以遮掩中型船隻;白沬被風吹成長片於空中擺動,遍及海面,能見度減低。 | 陸上少見,建築物普遍損毀。 |
12 | 64或以上/ 118或以上 | 颶風 Hurricane | 14+ | 極巨浪: 海面空氣中充滿浪花及白沬,全海皆白;巨浪如江傾河瀉,能見度大為減低。 | 陸上少見,建築物普遍嚴重損毀。 |
12* | 64-71/ 118 - 132 | 颶風 Hurricane | 14+ | 極巨浪: 海面空氣中充滿浪花及白沬,全海皆白;巨浪如江傾河瀉,能見度大為減低。 | 陸上少見,建築物普遍嚴重損毀。 |
13* | 72-80 / 133-149 | 颶風 Hurricane | 14+ | 極巨浪: 海面巨浪滔天,不堪設想。 | 陸上難以出現,如有必成災禍。 |
14* | 81-89 / 150-166 | 颶風 Hurricane | 14+ | 極巨浪: 海面巨浪滔天,不堪設想。 | 陸上難以出現,如有必成災禍。 |
15* | 90-99 / 167-183 | 颶風 Hurricane | 14+ | 極巨浪: 海面巨浪滔天,不堪設想。 | 陸上難以出現,如有必成災禍。 |
16* | 100-108 / 184-201 | 颶風 Hurricane | 14+ | 極巨浪: 海面巨浪滔天,不堪設想。 | 陸上難以出現,如有必成災禍。 |
17* | 109以上 / 202以上 | 颶風 Hurricane | 14+ | 極巨浪: 海面巨浪滔天,不堪設想。 | 陸上難以出現,如有必成災禍。 |
星期三, 11月 07, 2007
Credit Risk and its Management
The following is an excerpt from "Principles for the Management of Credit Risk", explaining what Credit Risk is.
"Credit risk is most simply defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms. The goal of credit risk management is to maximise a bank's risk-adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters. Banks need..."
"Credit risk is most simply defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms. The goal of credit risk management is to maximise a bank's risk-adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters. Banks need..."
星期一, 11月 05, 2007
星期六, 10月 27, 2007
- 大埔欣悅坊 - 大埔懷義街14-18號地下B
- 旺角毅成 - 九龍旺角亞皆老街24-26號東方大廈 五樓及六樓
- Overlander 旺角總店(附設特賣場) - 旺角彌敦道 610 號荷李活商業中心1212-1223室
- Overlander 潮流特區 Packcity 背囊專賣店 - 旺角彌敦道 580A-F 潮流特區 2 樓 229 店
- Overlander 沙田店 - 沙田新城市廣場第三期 A312 店
- Alpine Partner - 油麻地彌敦道495-497A麗星大廈1/F B,C室 3188 0853
- 沙木尼 - 油麻地上海街 395 號 2樓 2384 8190
- 香港攀山訓練中心 - 旺角花園街 1K號舖 2770 6746
星期五, 10月 12, 2007
星期一, 10月 08, 2007
星期二, 7月 03, 2007
Investment Management - Study Areas
- Analytical Tools for Investment Management
- Financial Management
- Equity and Alternative Investments
- Debt Investments
- Derivative Investments
- Portfolio Management
星期六, 4月 28, 2007
文章 (Atom)