星期一, 3月 29, 2004
星期三, 3月 24, 2004
台灣選舉 [Moved from RaymondChung.easyjournal.com]
擔憂 + 緊張,失望,傷感
以 上是我在台灣總統選舉各階段的心情描述.在大選之前,我擔心選舉的結果會令我失望,擔心阿扁會連任.我相信大部分人都希望國親的連宋配可以勝 出,但結果卻教人失望.我不但對結果失望,更對台灣選民失望.當地選民(尤奇是台南)令我想起香港原居民中一些上了年紀的公公,婆婆及婦孺.他們會沒頭沒 腦的去支持一些正在參加選舉的鄉親.他們根本不知道為什麼會選他們的鄉里;最直接的原因可能是身邊的人選,所以他也選(直接一點,就是易受人梳擺).幸好 香港這類選民不多,大部分民選的議員都是經過大眾的理性挑選!另一方面,我亦不明白為什麼台灣人這麼的感性(或不理智),選舉前的鎗擊事件竟然可以改變那 麼多人的投票取向.不是開玩笑,電視訪問中有人表示因此不會投給連宋.唉~~~怎樣的選民就有怎樣的總統~~~
以 上是我在台灣總統選舉各階段的心情描述.在大選之前,我擔心選舉的結果會令我失望,擔心阿扁會連任.我相信大部分人都希望國親的連宋配可以勝 出,但結果卻教人失望.我不但對結果失望,更對台灣選民失望.當地選民(尤奇是台南)令我想起香港原居民中一些上了年紀的公公,婆婆及婦孺.他們會沒頭沒 腦的去支持一些正在參加選舉的鄉親.他們根本不知道為什麼會選他們的鄉里;最直接的原因可能是身邊的人選,所以他也選(直接一點,就是易受人梳擺).幸好 香港這類選民不多,大部分民選的議員都是經過大眾的理性挑選!另一方面,我亦不明白為什麼台灣人這麼的感性(或不理智),選舉前的鎗擊事件竟然可以改變那 麼多人的投票取向.不是開玩笑,電視訪問中有人表示因此不會投給連宋.唉~~~怎樣的選民就有怎樣的總統~~~
星期日, 3月 14, 2004
印尼之行 [Moved from RaymondChung.easyjournal.com]
從印尼回到香港巳一段時間了(二零零四一月三十日到港),到現在才勉強地把這篇一早應該寫的感想寫完。(其他要寫的還包括Debian installation for both my notebook and my new AMD PC)
在 那兒,沒錢的華人過的可能有點悲慘或無奈。當地人一般都認為華人一定是有錢的。如果他們在公共汔車上看見華人,他們會感到驚訝。 又,華人子女一般在'高檔''的學校上課;在普通平民學校就讀的華人小孩很多時候會被人排斥(好像香港的小數族裔)、被人欺負。所以,華人子女的父母一般 都很努力賺錢。這也是為什麼華人都比較有錢。當地人認為華人有錢、妒忌華人有錢,但華人真是沒有錢不行;不少華人在那兒巳住了好幾代,他們沒有華籍身份, 所以沒可能回國(中國),他們唯有努力工作及出人頭地。
另一體會是:人生要不斷向前,不要怕遲。在印尼的一位表哥(巳經51歲),他在39歲才結緍,才開始他人生的另一階段;但他仍然積極面對人生,努力為妻兒工作。(他是從香港過去那兒的華僑;曾經在大陸的農場吃過苦頭!) 他給我的感覺真是四海為家!
還 有一個特別深的體會:香港真的是一個很好的地方(不談急速的生活節奏及壓力)。那兒的政府真的爛的很緊要,海關人員竟然公開向入境的人要錢!生 活在香港這個高度發展的地方,再去其他比較落後的地區,真的非常不習慣。除此之外,在那兒的街上遊玩,總覺得沒有安全感。原因有兩個:其一可能跟那兒是回 教國有關;其二是那兒發生過嚴重的排華事件。說實話,那十天真的過得有點不安,很想盡快回香港。
在 那兒,沒錢的華人過的可能有點悲慘或無奈。當地人一般都認為華人一定是有錢的。如果他們在公共汔車上看見華人,他們會感到驚訝。 又,華人子女一般在'高檔''的學校上課;在普通平民學校就讀的華人小孩很多時候會被人排斥(好像香港的小數族裔)、被人欺負。所以,華人子女的父母一般 都很努力賺錢。這也是為什麼華人都比較有錢。當地人認為華人有錢、妒忌華人有錢,但華人真是沒有錢不行;不少華人在那兒巳住了好幾代,他們沒有華籍身份, 所以沒可能回國(中國),他們唯有努力工作及出人頭地。
另一體會是:人生要不斷向前,不要怕遲。在印尼的一位表哥(巳經51歲),他在39歲才結緍,才開始他人生的另一階段;但他仍然積極面對人生,努力為妻兒工作。(他是從香港過去那兒的華僑;曾經在大陸的農場吃過苦頭!) 他給我的感覺真是四海為家!
還 有一個特別深的體會:香港真的是一個很好的地方(不談急速的生活節奏及壓力)。那兒的政府真的爛的很緊要,海關人員竟然公開向入境的人要錢!生 活在香港這個高度發展的地方,再去其他比較落後的地區,真的非常不習慣。除此之外,在那兒的街上遊玩,總覺得沒有安全感。原因有兩個:其一可能跟那兒是回 教國有關;其二是那兒發生過嚴重的排華事件。說實話,那十天真的過得有點不安,很想盡快回香港。
Get numb? [Moved from RaymondChung.easyjournal.com]
When will we get numb? When something that's not reasonable is accepted by us. For most of the time, we are forced to accept sth because of the surrounding environment. The more we accept such unreasonable things, the more we will get numb to the 'Rules of Life' we've been holding for long. We start to get numb to what's right/wrong. Right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right.(white <-> black)
The interesting point is that such unresonable things may become 'reasonable' after some time, if people don't treat their feelings seriously. Such feelings are deep inside our heart, we shouldn't hide/ignore them.
Is it good to be honest to ourselves? I get more confirmed of this as time passes by. People hide their feeling because they are not very sure about it. Is it just emotional? Yes, it may be and, quite often, it is. It's exactly the reason why people try to hide themselves when they grow up. They don't wanna get hurt or have someone else get hurt.
Somtimes, we become too sensitive towards being hurt or have someone get hurt (the reason is still the fears of being hurt :P). It's the attitude of most people. 'Ah, it depends on situations. Sometimes, we should be as franky as we are like a child, but not the way in other circumstances!' This is what I believe in too! But the rule of thumb is try to be honest to ourselves all the time.
P.S. The above gets messy, become I couldn't manage what's inside my brain well at the moment... hehe :P
The interesting point is that such unresonable things may become 'reasonable' after some time, if people don't treat their feelings seriously. Such feelings are deep inside our heart, we shouldn't hide/ignore them.
Is it good to be honest to ourselves? I get more confirmed of this as time passes by. People hide their feeling because they are not very sure about it. Is it just emotional? Yes, it may be and, quite often, it is. It's exactly the reason why people try to hide themselves when they grow up. They don't wanna get hurt or have someone else get hurt.
Somtimes, we become too sensitive towards being hurt or have someone get hurt (the reason is still the fears of being hurt :P). It's the attitude of most people. 'Ah, it depends on situations. Sometimes, we should be as franky as we are like a child, but not the way in other circumstances!' This is what I believe in too! But the rule of thumb is try to be honest to ourselves all the time.
P.S. The above gets messy, become I couldn't manage what's inside my brain well at the moment... hehe :P
星期三, 3月 03, 2004
Job-hunting [Moved from RaymondChung.easyjournal.com]
Job-hunting is a boring job itself. Looking over the Classified Post again and again; checking for new job ads in JobsDB again and again; sending out emails for job applications again and again. The process just repeats, making people frustrated towards this apparently simple yet important task.
There's fierce rivalry for the job in different areas. Examining the jobs requirements, I found that I just can't fulfilled them most. There are always contradictions. How can a 'fresh' graduate get involved to the area he/she is interested in, if he/she is required to have RELATED working experience, mostly over 3 years or more. @#?$%
Now, I've worked as a programmer for 2 years in the so-called telecommunication industry. But what have I gained for the past 2 years working in my current company. Thinking seriously, in the technical aspect, I gained very little; even there's some, it's mostly by self-study... -_-''(quite a messy here since the IT department is just supporting in house needs); in other aspects, such as social relationship (not a suitable word?), I did learn something to deal with people (people in my team are quite good in general).
I found no problem with this at first. But as time passed by, I became worried about my future. I can't see much prospects if I got no/little improvement in the technical area (and I do doubt is it good for those w/o acceptable technical knowledge to be in charge of important IT posts -_-)
To be continue…(and no more update)
There's fierce rivalry for the job in different areas. Examining the jobs requirements, I found that I just can't fulfilled them most. There are always contradictions. How can a 'fresh' graduate get involved to the area he/she is interested in, if he/she is required to have RELATED working experience, mostly over 3 years or more. @#?$%
Now, I've worked as a programmer for 2 years in the so-called telecommunication industry. But what have I gained for the past 2 years working in my current company. Thinking seriously, in the technical aspect, I gained very little; even there's some, it's mostly by self-study... -_-''(quite a messy here since the IT department is just supporting in house needs); in other aspects, such as social relationship (not a suitable word?), I did learn something to deal with people (people in my team are quite good in general).
I found no problem with this at first. But as time passed by, I became worried about my future. I can't see much prospects if I got no/little improvement in the technical area (and I do doubt is it good for those w/o acceptable technical knowledge to be in charge of important IT posts -_-)
To be continue…(and no more update)
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